Whitepages has over 2 million daily searches. By combining our two (free+premium) experiences into one (Onepages!), Whitepages wanted to create a unified, consistent experience for our users—as well as reduce latency.
The major problems and user needs were:
As users progress through our two sites they encounter different environments, primarily due to technical constraints, and they may not understand why they are served a a disjointed experience.
Users want to quickly and easily lookup contacts.
The experience needs to feel cohesive (we did a little brand refresh as well)
We performed an audit of existing site to understand existing user flow, experiences we need to combine, surfaces we need to give a refresh, and opportunities to improve accessibility.
User pain points, Competitive audit, UX teardown
We ran usability testing on the following areas: summary pages, phone search, phone details, person details, person search results, obfuscation types, terms.
Wireframing, user testing
Stakeholder reviews, Dogfooding, Design critiques
As we combined features, we wanted to make sure users understood what was being communicated, so we ran usability testing. To avoid user confusion and increase retention, we kept the user flows and overall IA the same as the original sites. We started by tackling the most complex, high volume experience to combine: our person details page. How do we create a system that would scale and have minimal impact on conversions?
This project kicked off in winter 2019, and when momentum was picking up for all of us, March 2020 hit and our team went 100% remote. We slowly ramped up our new site experience to 100% by November 2020.
Naturally, we had some users who weren’t keen on change, but the overall response has been positive and we have seen increased conversions throughout various funnels. We are still iterating based on user feedback and analytics.